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Charity given to a worthy person/cause simply because it is right to give, without consideration of anything in return, at the proper time and in the proper place, is stated to be in the mode of goodness (Sattvika).



Temple runs on Charity. Thanks to all your donations and fundraising efforts, we are enjoying the benefits of our expanded AHT complex. The Temple now has huge space for praying, religious discourses, religious concerts, dining facilities, classrooms, and an outside playground for our children, and plenty of parking surrounded by beautifully installed landscaping.


The Temple is a vital part of our community – it enriches our lives culturally, religiously and imparts values in our children. We urge every community member to take responsibility and take OWNERSHIP in the growth and beautification of our Temple. We respectfully urge every devotee to donate generously to AHT. Donations to the Temple are fully tax deductible. Some of the ways you can donate are:

e-Hundi allows one time or monthly recurring contribution of any amount. This is a very easy and convenient way to contribute. Please donate generously. It goes towards day-to-day operations, salaries of our priests and other staff. No amount is small if given with love.

Abhishekams are performed weekly or monthly for all deities. For the schedule CLICK HERE.

This is a great way to support your temple and make sure that the day-to-day services of the deities go on smoothly. In this program, the payment is typically made one time for the whole year. Our vedic priests chant the devotee’s Gothra and Naamas every time the abishekam is performed to the desired Deities.  We encourage devotees to visit the temple and participate in the abhishekams in person as often as possible. Note that the abhishekams will be performed regularly at the temple whether the devotee is present or not.

Founding Member, Founding Family, and Trusteeship contribution categories provide essential support for the long-term planning and welfare of the temple. The Founding names will be displayed in the Main Temple and create a legacy for the entire family.

If you wish to donate stocks, AHTCC has a brokerage account with TD Ameritrade. For details on account number please Email: treasurer@austinhindutemple.org

Beautiful alankaaram is done for all the deities on New Year’s Day and other Special Days. AHT requests devotees to sponsor the maalas (garlands) for the deity of their choice. The gothra naamas of the sponsors are chanted by the priests when performing alankaaram. One can contribute towards Anna-Danam as well on this day.

In this program contributions towards the abhishekams are made on a monthly recurring basis. These contributions sustain regular rituals for a longer period of time. No renewal is needed. Can be stopped any time. Here is the FAQ for this program.
FAQ link: